Boo boo in select company

Boo boo in select company
Something to say?

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Vermin on T V

 Vermin on T V

I understand that mice are coming out of some toilet bowls in parts of London. The photo above was in the Guardian, posted on Facebook, by a friend.

And all kinds of vermin are on our T V. I look at all that mouthy, right-wing press trying really hard to protect our sick, incompetent, lazy, right-wing Tory government, from the  damage they do to the country and to themselves, and I give up in disgust and finger my T V remote furiously, to escape the B B C. Sky, I used to think, was marginally better, but they seem to have joined the procession behind the Pied Piper too.

That army of suited and coiffed young men and women, our inglorious Press -- what are they trying to do. Destroy the Fourth Estate? How do they justify to their sick minds the toadyism and dishonesty involved? Sometimes I think they now want to rule the country themselves. 1984, Orwell?

Our Press today were scurrying around for pitfalls to drop Keir Starmer into. Even before his speech started they had condemned his address. They keep pushing Andy Macdonald forward at every step of the way. And then , they lined up four docile members of the audience to Keir Starmer's speech. They could not find a single neutral person with no agenda to push.

I am a Corbynite. I am also a member of the Labour Party. I think Corbyn AND Starmer have their pluses and minuses. But to mount this furious, deceitful attack on Starmer to aid and abet that bunch of Tory dilettantes? Has the Press no self-respect, no understanding of their role in informing the people of this country with respect for truth, and adherence to enlightened neutrality?

In desperation -- and I have to be desperate to do this -- I go to GMB. I am greeted with the face of Farage and I execute a quick retreat.

Our country has no fuel for its care-workers, doctors, nurses, teachers etc to get to work, the supermarket shelves are emptying of food, and the Press tote the Tory Party line. The people are panic buying, they say, the Government has no role to perform when the institutions that keep the country functioning collapse.

Working in Sierra Leone and Zambia in the late eighties, I remember storing petrol, dangerously, in 40 gallon drums on my veranda. At one time there was no bread, no toilet paper in the shops ... But they were third-world countries, not 21st century Britain. Is the U K now a third-world country too?

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