Royalty under Scrutiny?
I must admit I am a republic kind of person. Don't like any monarchies anywhere. As my father used to say: they have the same needs as us, the same demanding bodies -- they need to fill their stomachs, evacuate just like us. So what's special?
So royalty - their divine right - is a myth, like the ones Harari mentioned in his Homosapiens. They exist and are revered (like the banks,the Gods...) because we allowed that myth or legend to exist. We promote that construct by our actions, our words and our unthinking collusion.
I have huge respect for our Queen, because she has been durable and committed to her role. Take her out of the equation and what is left is an empty familial group without purpose or point, except their own perpetuation.
As to Harry and Meghan, I wouldn't care less as to what they do next. So long as they go quietly and don't clog up the news with the family scandals. Or stay and be happy. Harry, I hope, retains that quicksilver quality and generosity of spirit that is not too obvious in other royals.
I notice that Prince Andrew's shenanigans were quickly glossed over -- let's focus on Meghan now. Thank you, Media. Bullies as ever.
And, of course our delightful Media have decided that Meghan is fair game. Especially because she is not snow white and submissive. The global warming, the Iran crisis, all of this is Meghan's fault, in case you didn't know. How dare she -- non-white, foreign...
And, incidentally, why is it always a black person who is called upon on T V to discuss the race issue in this. Where are all the fair-minded white people who can see the obvious?