I think Priti Patel is slowly going off her rocker. Early dementia? Clearly, she has forgotten her immigrant lineage. Whenever I feel put upon by the discrimination practiced in this country against immigrants, like me, I remind myself that, in the end, I was able to make a good life here. I got a job, bought my first home, educated my children without much cost. Manju and Raghu did M A courses n Law and Civil Engineering at Kings College, London and Imperial and UCL. Kitta did his Ph.D in Mathematics, again with considerable assistance from the State. They all make / made good livings. When they are ill, they have the NHS to fall back on. They don't have to find the money for doctors and medicines. The NHS has fallen back on some of its original promises, but it is still an amazing service.
And that vile woman wants to send immigrants off to an island 4000 miles away. The last time I came across this level of malice was in Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth. And we all know how mad SHE became. Watch it, Priti. Venom destroys its owner too.
I cannot believe that we cannot, in this country, accommodate about 4000 migrants, every year, who have risked their lives to get here. Like me and Priti, they may actually have some skill to offer this country. Are we forgetting all those nurses and doctors we (hypocritically) clapped for?.
Who will you deny next Priti? What's eating you?