Boo boo in select company

Boo boo in select company
Something to say?

Thursday, 21 January 2021



Writing posts daily -- not normal for me at all. I am fundamentally a lazy geek. But, I watched that pile of slate-coloured, files with the U S Government seal on them, going swiftly from right to left of Biden, as he signed them, and I wanted to hug him. So much of that Washington sump, which tRump was going to clear, but which he churned up instead, into a gross pulchritude, is being sluiced out.

Thank you, Biden, on behalf of the immigrants who have been given breathing space; on behalf of all the Americans who are living in fear of Covid; on behalf of the world, the WHO, the Paris Accord... from which Rump had peremptorily dragged America away; on behalf of all my American friends who cringe every time POTUS passed destructive burger-flatulence again. 

And now, if Biden can get the police to treat black people with grace and goodwill,  if he can create an America in which all men are treated equal, even if they are not so born, I will have to go all the way to Washington to hug him

Now, also, if we could just get rid of our dithering P M, always three weeks too late to any decision, incompetent and careless, I could really celebrate. 

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