Boo boo in select company

Boo boo in select company
Something to say?

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

A Special World of Ego-maniacs

 I notice that all the would-be autocrats have many things in common:  Boris, Donald, Modi, they all believe that their personal  aberrations are important to the rest of the world.

   Boris sounded very pleased with himself in his speech today. He described in detail what a hero he was because he lost 26 pounds in weight after recovering from COVID. Well done, Boris. Now, please p--s off and stop squirting nonsense towards this gullible world.  He spent a whole speech on the virtual podium talking about the wonderful things he/ the UK, were going to achieve after we come out of the pandemic. No details, costing etc, but every home is going to function on Green Power by the end of the next decade. Wonderful. Tories have been saying this for a while, without actually finding any resources to do this. But he is superman, 'harvesting gusts from the deepest oceans.'

   Donald Trump has come out flying, literally, from Walter Reed. COVID is just another 'Flu, a minor inconvenience. Don't be afraid; don't let it dominate you, he instructs the American folk, standing on his balcony, a little breathless. Just summon the helicopter, get fussed over by a dozen doctors, some of who might even embellish the truth a little to show what a warrior you are. Then be treated with the most expensive drugs you probably don't need, but demand as of right. You could even do a victory parade in a black SUV. AND, when you get home, throw that mask away. So many more in The White House to infect. Some might even take it home to their families.

   Do these men see beyond their silly probosces?

   Modi wants all India to be Hindu. He will have to get past the Constitution to do that. Meanwhile his coterie promote the personal myth of this great saint, clad in saffron robes, while he condones massacres on many boundaries. Never mind his outfits are custom-made to promote his image.

   I listened today to the speeches of Sunak and Johnson and wondered which world they inhabit. Not the one in which the daily-paid labourers are out of work, food banks proliferate, parents are literally losing their sanity, teachers are going to school each day wondering when COVID will strike them or any child in their classroom, medics despair whether this time round the PPE supply will be adequate to demand, and the general public cannot trust a single statistic the Government puts out. 

   Numbers are now a game you play, bringing them out to maximum advantage -- to deflect attention from disasters, to explain systemic failures...

   Can Britain survive this disaster of a Tory government?

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